行星边际2渗透者近战篇 快节奏模式战斗

时间:2012-12-13 00:00 作者:17173 手机订阅 神评论



  (其实这篇翻不翻考虑了半天 因为个人对拿渗透搞近战不感冒 特别是没了霰弹之后 不过还是翻了 仁者见仁智者见智 从中吸取经验吧)

  Some tips that helped me a lot during beta when playing close combat infiltrator for any new players considering this playstyle. If I miss anything or you feel I am wrong on certan things feel free to add / correct me.

  这是一些我在测试时玩近战渗透的心得 希望对打算这样玩的新人有帮助 如果我漏了什么或者说的不对 欢迎补充和纠正

  - If you rely to much on cloak you will be killed.Use it as a supplement to staying out of line of sight as an added insurance.

  - Unless you are sniping you need to stay mobile.If you are constantly moving no one can sneak up on you, and you have a higher chance to sneak up on others.

  - The faster you move the more easy you are to spot. if you crouch while being immobile you are almost invisible.

  - Move from hiding spot to hiding spot if you can.Bushes for instance are excellent places to recharge your cloak even if there are enemies all around you.

  - If your enemy is standing still and oblivious to you approaching then stab him with your knife, no need to waste precious ammo when you don't have to. And nothing beats a knife kill.

  - Do not cloak if you don't have to, the sound of the cloak activating / deactivating will alert any experienced opponents to your presence.

  - Always try and hack a nearby terminal before you run out of ammo.

  - Hack turrets if you feel safe, they can be used against the enemy.

  - Consider picking up the Advanced Mobile Station cert for the sunderer if there are no hackable terminals in the base you are assaulting.

  1 过多依赖隐身很容易被杀 把它当做脱离对方视线的一道额外保险来使用

  2 除非搞狙击 否则要保持移动 一直移动会让对方很难阴你 而你有机会去阴别人

  3 移动越快越容易被发现 蹲下不动几乎是完全隐形的

  4 在隐藏点之间移动 即使周围有敌人 草丛也是不错的恢复隐身能量的地点

  5 敌人不动的时候 可以捅刀子节省弹药(个人不推荐 混战时危险太大)

  6 非必须时不要隐身 隐身的声音会让有经验的对手察觉你的存在

  7 在子弹耗尽之前 记得黑掉附近的终端

  8 感觉安全的话黑掉炮台 用来对付敌人

  9 进攻的敌方没有终端可黑时 可以开个AMS决裂

  I didn't like to snipe much so if you are like me then you want to get Scout Rifles as your primary weapon asap.

  我不喜欢狙击 所以想玩近战尽快搞一把侦察步枪

  - Artemis automatic Scout Rifle is deadly in medium and close range, together with cloaking makes it great for hit and run strategies inside enemy bases or along front lines. Limited ammo however makes you rely a lot on either engineers or a nearby hacked terminal to get a decent kill streak. I found a reflex sight with laser and silencer works great on this rifle. If you are going front line fighter with this gun consider picking up the hunter cloak since you will be taking fire. About half the magazine is needed to kill if you hit perfectly. At midrange expect to empty your magazine and finish off enemies with your sidearm.

  Artemis自动侦察步枪:中近距离好用 打带跑的利器

  但是弹量小 搭配反射瞄准镜

  镭射和消音器使用 如果去前线作战记得升级Hunter Cloak 打得好的话半个弹夹能解决敌人 中距离的话可能要打光甚至换手枪解决敌人(越说越坑的感觉…)

  - Nyx semi automatic Scout Rifle can also be good in close combat, but you need to be very close for it to be very effective. If you do get close however it rips apart your enemy. It is also great at long range with a 6x scope making it a great all round rifle for a lot of flexibility. It always hits dead center when aiming down sights. Also got a laser attachment for this rifle in case someone would catch me when I was in a bad spot. This rifle behaves a lot like a shotgun with slugs. Not very good in medium range with a 6x scope tho.

  Nyx半自动侦察步枪:近战很有效 但要足够近


  瞄准时始终打中心 记得加镭射

  这把枪类似于加了弹头的霰弹 但是中距离不行

  As an infiltrator you will usually be inside enemyt erritory wo much support so make sure you get regen stims universal certifications and maybe even the ammo belt instead of the nanite armor. This is a toss up tho since the nanite armor WILL save you a lot.

  由于在敌后活动 带足补给

  比如医疗针 甚至升级弹药袋而不是纳米装甲

  但这是个艰难的抉择 因为纳米甲很多时候能救你的命

  Hacking upgrade is very handy, standing still with your back to the doorway when hacking is quite dangerous so limit that time by going for this cert line.

  黑客升级必须的 因为危险


  All in all Infiltrator the close combat way makes for exiting and fast paced gameplay. Not for the faint of heart, but the rewards can be great if you pull it off.

  近战渗透的战斗节奏很快 不要畏惧

  全力以赴的话收获会很大(还是感觉略坑啊… 特别是考虑到我们的网速)

  And lastly: Do not linger, and do not be indecisive. And always have fun

  最后 不要蹲坑 不要犹豫 享受战斗

